Down To 100 Players
Blinds – 1000/2000 The blinds just went up. We are currently down to ten tables. Dinner break coming up in a few levels.
Blinds – 1000/2000 The blinds just went up. We are currently down to ten tables. Dinner break coming up in a few levels.
Blinds – 600/1200 Dom Armano, who was under the gun goes all-in, Johnny Kelly right next to Armano …he goes all-in. So does Kenny Zessis! Dom – A♠ 4♠ Johnny – 9♠ 9♥ – less than Dom Kenny – 10♦ 8♣ – Less than Johnny and Dom. The board runs out 7♦ Q♦ 10♥ 10♣ […]
Blinds – 500/1000 Nancy St. Laurent shoves all-in for just over 35,000. Rob Stiegman tanks for a minute or so to think about calling, which is does and Carlos makes the call putting him all-in for 9600 for the main pot. Rob – 9♦ 9♣ Carlos – A♥ Q♣ – Main Pot only Nancy – […]
Blinds – 400/800 Jay Doyle raises 1600 pre-flop. Ken Wilson calls. The other player in the small blind raises to 8500, Jay then re-raises all-in and Ken of course calls. Jay – A♣ A♠ Ken – K♠ K♥ — at risk Player C – Q♣ Q♠ — at risk The flop puts out a King. […]
Blinds – 300/600 With his last 2800 in chips, Drew Womack goes all-in and Sue DeAmato gives him a call. Drew -J♣ J♥ Sue – 6♠ 9♠ The flop was 7♦ 8♥ 7♥. The turn was the J♠ and the river was the 10♦. Even though Sue made her straight, Drew makes the full house […]
Blinds – 300/600 Grady Wojcik knocks out one when his Q♥ 6♥ flushes on a K♥ 5♣ 4♥ 2♥ 7♠ board versus pocket sevens. Grady now has 32,000
Blinds – 300/600 With two levels done, we move on to the 300/600 level. Many…many….many more to come!
Blinds – 100/200 Last month’s winner, Jake Dennehy just arrived to see if he can become the first EPT’er to win in back to back months!
Blinds – 100/200 With the crappy weather today, we currently have eleven tables in play. Remember, late registration is open for another five levels.
Blinds – 100/200 Within the first four hands of the tournament, Matt Goudreau has doubled up and knocked out a player. Matt, holding A♠ 10♠ saw a flop of J♠ 9 3♥. The turn was the K♦. The other player moves all-in and matt made the call. The player showed Q♣ 10♥ for a King-high […]