Down To 21…
Blinds – 8,000/16,000 Players Remaining: 21 We are down to 21 players and the top leaders are on the same table. Eddie Chiu – 410,000 David Semedo – 350,000 Everyone else is around 200,000…. Stay tuned…
Blinds – 8,000/16,000 Players Remaining: 21 We are down to 21 players and the top leaders are on the same table. Eddie Chiu – 410,000 David Semedo – 350,000 Everyone else is around 200,000…. Stay tuned…
Blinds – 5,000/10,000 Players Registered: 153 Players Remaining: 26 He deals every Monthly so this is Eddie’s first Monthly playing! Eddie ships it for 103,000 and gets a call by James Faireney on the button. Eddie – A♥ Q♥ James – K♣ K♠ An ace hits the flop and with no king showing, Eddie doubles […]
Blinds – 5000/10,000 Players Registered: 153 Players Remaining: 30 Jake Dennehy, last month’s winner, is making a strong case for an attempt on being a back to back Monthly winner. Sitting on the button he shoves for 132,000 and gets two callers: Jake – A♠ K♣ Player A – Q♣ Q♠ Player B – A♣ […]
Blinds – 3000/6000 Players Registered: 153 Players Remaining: 36 Brian Lundy has had a quiet day. So much that he has been under the radar for chip reporting. We see Nick Sims move all-in for 33,000 and Brian makes the call. Nick – J♠ Q♦ Brian – K♠ 10♠ A king falls on the flop […]
Blinds – 2000/4000 Players Registered: 153 Players Remaining : 50 As we came back from break, the short stacks are having a harder time this month staying alive after lunch. Four players were out in the first hand. One of the bigger stacks we see is Brendan Maye. He just eliminated Rob Steigman with a […]
Players are now on 25 minute lunch break. When we return, blinds will be 2000/4000. Sixty-four players remain.
Blinds – 1500/3000 As we are on the last break before lunch/dinner, Tournament Director Chuck Watson has announced that 153 players is the official number of entrants in today’s event!
Blinds – 1000/2000 On the last hand of the level, Brian Taylor knocks out two players. Brian leads out the betting pre-flop and opens for 5000. Three players call the 5000, then Kenny Zessis shoves all-in for 15,000. Brian then re-shoves all-in and got one other player to call his all-in bet Brian shows A♣ […]
Blinds – 1000/2000 Susan Pell triples up when she went all-in for 34,100 and got Nick Spencer and one other player to call. Sue shows pocket kings. Nick shows Ace/Ten offsuit and the other player shows pocket tens. Kings hold and while Nick’s and the other players stack shrink, Sue is over 100,000.
Blinds – 1000/2000 Here are just some of the bigger chip stacks around the room: Nick Spencer 100,000 Joe Harvey 95,000 Pat Aguiar 86,000 Brian Taylor 70,000