12:21 pm

Heitman With Ace King

Blinds – 800/1600 Players Registered: 16 Players Remaining: 104 Kurt Heitman knocks out one and cripples another in a three-way pot. Player A went all in for 13,000. Kurt and Rennie Crowe both calls. The flop was A♥ K♣ J♥. Being first to act, Kurt moves all-in while Rennie makes a quick call with a […]


11:00 am

Making The Gusty Call

Blinds – 300/600 Players Registered: 140+ A player under the gun raises to 1800 preflop. Four others join in on the fun (including Nick Sims). The flop is 2♦ 5♣ 6♥. A monster of a rainbow! The raiser bets 3000 and everyone still in folded except for Paul George. The turn is the 9♠. The […]