2:21 pm

Vin Campagnone Triples Up!

Blinds – 4000/8000

Players Registered: 169

Players Remaining: 44

Vin hails from the great state of Rhode Island and is looking to make the Top 16.

Vin was under the gun when he goes all-in for 65,000. Josh Anderson, another RI icon, moves all-in for about 100,000. Amy Bellinghieri then says, “What the hell, why not” and SHE calls Josh’s all-in!

Vin – 7♥ 7♠

Josh – A♣ K♣

Amy – 4♣ 4♥

The board runs out 2♦ 3♠ Q♣ 8♣ 6♦.

Amy wins the side pot with pocket fours.

Vin wins and triples up.

Josh is down to 5,000 in chips


0 Comments September 14, 2024

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