1:57 pm

Baptista Battles With Yanni

Blinds – 3000/6000

Players Registered: 169

Players Remaining: 55

Last month’s winner Jorge Baptista, on the button, raises all-in with no one else in the hand except for Yanni (Big Blind).

“I know what a real poker player would do” says Yanni as he makes the crying call.

Jorge shows A♥ 7♥ while Yanni shows A♣ 7♣.

Now the fun…

The flop goes 2♠ 3♣ 4♣. Yanni needs a club to eliminated the current Monthly Champ.

The turn is the 7♦. Jorge is still sweating…

The river is the Q♥.


0 Comments September 14, 2024

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