12:39 pm

Wayne “Luck Box” Mulligan Knocks Out Two

Blinds – 1000/2000

Players Registered: 169

Players Remaining: 100

Wayne missed the blogger these past three months.

The person to Wayne’s right went all-in for 4000. Wayne decides to isolate and raise to 12,000. He did not expect another player to go all-in for 26,700. Wayne “mull”ed it over for a minute before making the call.

Player A – 4♦ 3♥

Wayne – J♠ J♥

Player B – A♣ 10♠

The flop was 4♦ 6♠ K♦. Wayne is in the lead.

The turn was the 9♦. Now he’s sweating….

The river was the 8♠.

He takes the pot and now has 110,00

0 Comments September 14, 2024

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