1:04 pm

Sims Knocks Out Two

Blinds – 1500/3000

Players Registered: 153

Players Remaining: 70

Kourtney Sims lives to see another hand with alot more chips than what she had.

The player to her left went all-in for less, while the button went all-in for just a bit more. When it got back to Sims, she moved all-in for 34,500 to force the second all-in to call also putting him at risk.

Player A – A♣ A♠

Player B – 7♣ 8♣

Kourtney – 10♥ 10♣

As you can see, the player with pocket Aces flopped a set while Sims had a few draws on the flop. The 8♦ fell on the turn, still no change in outs for Sims.

The river was the J♦ to give Kourtney a straight and eliminate the two other players.

0 Comments May 11, 2024

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