12:13 pm

Holt Eliminated By May

Blinds – 800/1600

Players Registered: 153

Ok….so it’s 153.

Eddie Holt raises to 5700 in middle position, Brendan May (button) and Linda Rodrigues both call the raise.

The flop is 4♠ 9♦ 2♣. Linda is first to act, she checks, Eddie goes all-in for another 17,000. Brendan calls while Linda folds.

Eddie – A♥ A♠

Brendan – Q♥ 9♠

As the turn card flips Eddie says, “Are you kidding me?”. The 9♥ is the turn giving May trip nines. No ace on the river for Holt sends him to the rail.

0 Comments May 11, 2024

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