1:05 pm

Hmmmm…Did Kings Win?

Eastern Poker Tour – Season 32 $30K Finals – Day 2

Players Registered – 87

Players Remaining – 50

Blinds – 5000/1000

John Purdy, in the cut-off, goes all in. Andrew Camacho, on the button goes all-in and have John covered. Judy, in the small blind, SHE GOES ALL-IN. Oh, and the big blind goes all-in (for less).

Andrew has everyone covered in chips..


Purdy – A♥ 10♥

Camacho – K♣ K♠

Judy – K♥ K♦

Big Blind – A♦ J♠

Here’s the flop…. 7♠ Q♠ 7♦

Turn is the 6♠ which now gives Andrew a few more outs with the flush.

The river was the 8♦

Both kings held knocking out the Big Blind and Purdy. Nick Sims wanted it to be known that he mucked a seven pre-flop.

0 Comments April 2, 2023

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