3:24 pm

Kelly Turns A Set

Blinds – 8000/16,000 Players Remaining: 18 Johnny Kelly is looking to make ANOTHER Final Table. He just knocked out a player with pocket Jacks vs A♠ K♦. A K♣ fell on the flop to put Johnny behind. However a J♣ comes on the turn to give him a set of jacks. Johnny now has 230,000


2:06 pm

Linda Linda Linda…

Blinds – 3000/6000 Players Registered: 154 Players Remaining: 44 Linda Rodrigues, is on cruise control to her way onto making the Top 16. Holding Ace/Queen off-suit, she went up against Ace/Nine off-suit. The flop went 10♣ 10♥ 8♦ 4♣ A♠. Linda’s queen kicker was good enough for the pot and knocked out the player. She […]