3:24 pm

Kelly Turns A Set

Blinds – 8000/16,000 Players Remaining: 18 Johnny Kelly is looking to make ANOTHER Final Table. He just knocked out a player with pocket Jacks vs A♠ K♦. A K♣ fell on the flop to put Johnny behind. However a J♣ comes on the turn to give him a set of jacks. Johnny now has 230,000


2:06 pm

Linda Linda Linda…

Blinds – 3000/6000 Players Registered: 154 Players Remaining: 44 Linda Rodrigues, is on cruise control to her way onto making the Top 16. Holding Ace/Queen off-suit, she went up against Ace/Nine off-suit. The flop went 10♣ 10♥ 8♦ 4♣ A♠. Linda’s queen kicker was good enough for the pot and knocked out the player. She […]


1:59 pm

Down To 50….

Blinds – 3000/6000 Players Registered: 154 Players Remaining: 48 Quickly broke two tables with ten minutes and now we are down to five tables. The short stacks need to find double and triple ups quickly if they are going to make it to the Top 16….


1:47 pm

We Are Back

Blinds – 2000/4000 Players Registered: 154 Players Remaining: 70 We been back now for about 10 minutes and just saw Marc Marino knock out two players and also took a bite out of Mike Webb’s stack. Marc was involved in a 4-way pot preflop with two people all-in. The flop was 4♣ 4♠ 10♦. Action […]