Patrick Benyaniye – 5th Place ($600)

Being low stacked, Brian calls 200,000 on the button. Richard Nawcichik goes all-in for 600,00+ and Brian makes the call with Ace/Eight offsuit. Richard showed pocket nines. The board ran clean and Brian was eliminated.
Blinds are now 40000/80000
John shoved on the button only to get called by Ronnie Smith in the big blind John – A♦ Q♠ Ronnie – A♣ A♥ Board ran clean and Ronnie now has a commanding chip lead over 1.8 million in chips.
Thomas was eliminated by John Quick when John’s pocket Aces were best against Thomas’s pocket Queens
With 17.01 left on the clock, we have reached the Final Table Seat 1 Brian Taylor 630,000 Seat 2 Rich Maloney 50,000 Seat 3 Richard Nawcichik 775,000 Seat 4 Thomas Drozewski 525,000 Seat 5 Bill Acerra 830,000 Seat 6 John Quirk 215,000 Seat 7 Ray Quinton 175,000 Seat 8 Ronnie Smith 315,000 Seat 9 Patrick […]
13th Steve Bolton SC $200.00 14th Andre Proctor RI $200.00 15th Mark Smith RI $200.00 16th Hank Landry CM $200.00
One more player and we are in the money
Blinds – 10000/20000 With less than 5 minutes to go in the level, we are down to two tables. Four more people need to be eliminated in order for us to get ‘In the money”