Random Chip Counts….
Tony Cooper 1,300,000 Brad Cormier 1,000,000 Rich Maloney 900,000 Javier Romero 800,000 Jacky Lau 785,000 Manny Avila 700,000 Marisol 700,000 Mike Rielly 500,000 Charlene Cruz 310,000
Tony Cooper 1,300,000 Brad Cormier 1,000,000 Rich Maloney 900,000 Javier Romero 800,000 Jacky Lau 785,000 Manny Avila 700,000 Marisol 700,000 Mike Rielly 500,000 Charlene Cruz 310,000
41st Linda Mullen SM $200.00 42nd Susan DeAmato CM $200.00 43rd Susan Pell FR $200.00 44th Dan Magliocco CH $200.00 45th Michael Cintolo FR $200.00 46th Sonya Harrison SM $200.00 47th John Beady SM $200.00 48th Bob Beland SM $200.00 49th Kurt Heitmann RI $200.00 50th Josh Heafy SM $200.00
Players are now on a 15 minute break.
Eastern Poker Tour’s $50,000 Season Finals – Day 2 (Championship) Blinds 10,000/20,000/20,000 Players Remaining: 45 Getting the story from our player/reporter Jordan Fishman, Player A calls 20,000. John Beady raised all -in for 195,000 with Ace/six offsuit on the the button. Manny then raises all-in for 395,000. Player A decides to play and call Manny’s […]
Season Name Region 1 N/A 2 N/A 3 Andre Pereira CM 4 N/A 5 N/A 6 N/A 7 N/A 8 N/A 9 N/A 10 N/A 11 N/A 12 N/A 13 N/A 14 Justin Guimond SM 15 N/A 16 John Murray GL 17 Shane Matthews CM 18 Mark Thibodeau 19 Shane Matthews CM 20 Mike […]
Eastern Poker Tour’s $50,000 Season Finals – Day 2 (Championship) Players Remaining: 49 Wil Porter just knocked out by Javier Romero to bust the bubble. Javier called 20,000 under the gun. Wil shipped it for 120,000 with Javier calling Wil.
Players Remaining: 51 Play went extremely fast the last 10 minutes and now we are hand for hand with 51 players
Blinds are now 10,000/20,000/20,000 Players Remaining: 63
Eastern Poker Tour’s $50,000 Season Finals – Day 2 (Championship) Blinds – 8000/16000/16000 Tim raises in late position to 50,000. Player next to him raises all-in to 75,000. Basil Congro then re-raises on the button and Tim calls Basil putting him all-in. Ok….Hang on you to hat… Basil — 8♠ 8♦ Player A — 9♦ […]
Eastern Poker Tour’s – $50,000 Season Finals – Day 2 (Championship) Blinds – 8000/16000/16000 Players Remaining: 66 Action has been so fast that stacks have been pushed back and forth. Anthony Cooper has 800,000 in chips. As well as Marisol Marzette.