Cards Are In The Air…
Blinds – 2000/4000 Players Registered: 151 Players Remaining: 70 We are back in action with the blinds at 2000/4000. The really really really short stacks need to survive or face being on the rail!
Blinds – 2000/4000 Players Registered: 151 Players Remaining: 70 We are back in action with the blinds at 2000/4000. The really really really short stacks need to survive or face being on the rail!
Blinds – 2000/4000 Players Registered: 151 Players Remaining: 70 We just broke one more table just before lunch. Players are now on a 25 minute lunch break.
Blinds – 1500/3000 We are now our last level before we eat! Twenty minutes to go!
Blinds – 800/1600 Players Registered: 151 Players Remaining: 90 Jason was just eliminated in his last two hands that he saw. The straw that broke up was when the raised preflop with pocket Queens and got called by Ray Powell in the Big Blind and Kelly O’Hare who was in middle position. Powell was all-in […]
Blinds – 1000/2000 Players Registered – 151 Players Remaining: 90 Here are the biggest chip counts in the room: John Germano 110,000 Jamey Bosco 100,000 Chun DeStramp 80,000 Chuck McCaughey 80,000 Nada Smith 75,000 Brandin Powers 65,000
Blinds – 800/1600 Registration just ended. One hundred fifty one players entered in today’s event. We thank you all!
Blinds – 600/1200 We all know it’s Halloween Season and Nick Sims is reaching into his bag of tricks and treats. Nick gets involved with two others, one of which is all in for less. Player A – J♥ J♦ Player B – A♣ 10♣ (all-in for less) Nick – A♠ 5♠ The flop….4♠ 8♠ […]
Blinds – 500/1000 Players Registered: 140+ Players Remaining: 120 From the small blind, Mike Reilly shoves his last 12,600 preflop. Nick Sims in late position re-shoves just in case of any players behind him want to make the call…they don’t. Reilly – A♥ 9♣ Sims – 6♥ 6♦ The flop goes 9♥ 10♣ K♣. Reilly […]
Blinds – 500/1000 Last month’s Monthly winner Ronnie Smith is here and is holding strong. Currently at 52,000.
Blinds – 300/600 Players Registered: 150+ Chun DeStramp, sitting on the button picked up a very big pot. With the blinds of 300/600, Ric Santuri raised to 1600 preflop. Two callers after him called. Chun (Button) called. The small blind threw in a 5000 chip and wanted to raise but never said the word “raise”. […]