8:10 pm

Holden Flushes Sims

$1650 High Roller Blinds – 3000/6000/6000 Players Registered: 105 Players Remaining: 50 Christian river a heart flush with Q♥ J♥. Nick Sims bet 10,000 on a board of 6♦ 6♥ 9♥ J♠ 8♥. Christian raised to 60,000. Nick had to think for a minute before making the call. Sims is down to 150,000.


7:57 pm

Updated Chip Counts

$1650 High Roller Blinds – 3000/6000/6000 Players Registered: 105 Players Remaining: 54 Here is a list of some of the bigger stacks left in the event: Hawk 725,000 Christian Holden 460,000 Justin Carey 420,000 Rich Rolka 340,000 Yanni 300,000 Rich Collier 300,000 Slade Edmonds 240,000 Chris Rinn 215,000