2:40 pm

Rinn Leading Overall

Blinds – 10,000/20,000 Players Registered: 185 Players Remaining: 27 Chris Rinn is on a heater right now. He sat on the button and raised all-in and got Kevin Su and one other player to call for much less than Rinn’s huge stack. Rinn – K♥ K♠ Su – 2♥ 2♠ Player B – A♠ Q♦ […]


2:11 pm

Rinn Knocks Out Two

Blinds – 8000/16,000 Players Registered: 185 Players Remaining: 35 Chris Rinn knocks out two players when his A♠ J♣ was better than A♦ 5♦ and 8♣ 2♣ with the board reading 6♦ A♥ 10♠ 7♥ 10♦. Rinn now has over 200,000 and is looking not only to cash, but make it to the Top 8 […]