Cashers – 13th Thru 16th
13th Rob Stiegman CM $200.00 14th Susan Pell FR $200.00 15th Jeff Pimentel CM $200.00 16th Charlene Cruz GL $200.00

13th Rob Stiegman CM $200.00 14th Susan Pell FR $200.00 15th Jeff Pimentel CM $200.00 16th Charlene Cruz GL $200.00
Blinds: 15000/30000 Players Remaining: 16 During hand for hand, Josh Folger went all-in in late position with J♥ 9♦ vs Ken Horber jr’s A♣ 8♣. Three clubs came on the flop knocking out Folger in 17th place. Everyone now left will get at least a $200 payday.
Players are on a 10 minute break. 18 players left.
Blinds: 10000/20000 Players Remaining: 19 We are down to 2 tables. Three more people need to be eliminated before we get in the money.
Blinds – 8000/16000 Players Registered: 199 Players Remaining: 28 Rob Stiegman will be making the Top 16 with no problems after knocking out a player. The player moved all-in with A♠ K♠ and Rob, on the button called with pocket nines. With the flop being Ax Kx Qx, player A is well in the lead. […]
Blinds – 8000/16000 Players Remaining: 29 Players Registered: 199 With only 3 tables left and the Top 16 looking to get a pay-day, the short stacks on the tables have to be careful on when to make the move and double or even triple up. Average stack right now is roughly 200,000.
Blinds – 6000/12000 Players Remaining: 38 Jim Sylvia just tripled up and knocked out Dennis O’Hare and crippling Jeffery Weinberg to less than 3 big blinds. Sylvia has Queens, Weinberg had Jacks and O’Hare (all-in for 190,000) had Queen/Ten off-suit. Board ran clean and Sylvia takes down the pot and has the biggest stack in […]
Blinds – 4000/8000 With another table breaking, we are down to 5 tables.
Blinds – 4000/8000 Players Remaining: 70 Tournament floor Lionel Benn has just informed the media crew that the final number of today’s players is 199! Remember the Top 16 get a min cash of $200!
Blinds – 3000/6000 We have returned from Lunch and cards are now in the air!