Chris Davis – 2nd Place ($1650)

Blinds – 60000/120000 Louis made his move for 440,000 with King/Queen offsuit only to get called by Hever with Ace/Four. No King for Louis knocked him out. Hever now has over 3.3 million in chips
Blinds – 60000/12000 With 250,000 in chips Al moves with King/Queen and once again Hever calls with Ace high. The board was low and no pair and Al is eliminated in 4th
Blinds – 60000/12000 Hever knocked out his 2nd opponent. Cordoza had pocket Jacks and John had Ace high. No Ace and just like that, John is out.
Blinds – 60000/120000 With less than 200,000 in chips, Willie went all in with A♦ K♦ and Chris Davis calls with pocket sevens. No ace or king for Willie puts in out in 6th place. He picks up $500 and a seat into Season Finals
Blinds – 60000/120000 After the first orbit of the Final Table, three people were knocked out. Since then, people are hanging onto their chips like the FBI is going to take them.
Blinds – 30000/60000 In a matter of 4 hands, we have had 2 players eliminated. Chris Davis had called Pat Aguiars all-in to 335,000. Hever then went over the top for 1.3 million. “I have to call” says Davis. Davis had Ace/King Hever had pocket tens. Pat had pocket fives. Davis is now the clear […]
Blinds – 30000/60000 On the first hand of the Final Table, Ken Krego is out. Ken shoved with King/Queen offsuit while Hever Cardoza had Ace/Four. A four falls on the flop and no King or Queen for Ken.