Players Are On Break
Another 15 minute? What gives? Ha ha!
Another 15 minute? What gives? Ha ha!
Blinds – 1000/2000/2000 Just lost two tables quickly which puts us at 25 tables. Still a ton of us EPT’ers still in the field searching for a bag into tomorrow’s Day 2.
Blinds – 1000/2000/2000 RI region player Rich Stepanian, on the button, raises to 8000. Everyone folds except one player in late position. “All right sir, the button has killed alot of players” said the other player to Rich. Flop is K♠ 4♦ 10♥. Player A checks, Rich fires out 15,000 and gets called. The turn […]
Blinds – 1000/2000/2000 473 players have registered for today’s event. We will have the breakdown on payouts in a little while
Blinds – 800/1600/1600 This post is just a simple “congratulations” to Honey Savage for surviving through the first 4 levels of the event. Lately, Honey has had some bad luck at the Monthly being out within the first level or two. Keep your head up and keep chipping up!
Blinds – 800/1600/1600 Some random chip counts: Nancy St. Laurent 135,000 Brian Lundy 103,000 Honey Savage 70,000 Sam Ho 50,000 Slade Edmonds 45,000 Kourtney Sims 30,000 Ron Burke 28,000 Chris O’Neil 26,000 Jeff Weinberg 12,000
Blinds – 600/1200/1200 We see Jeff all in on the turn for 3500 waiting for Robert to act to his left. Robert makes the call showing Ace/Ten offsuit for a possible straight draw as Jeff shows King/Queen for top 2 pair. The river is an eight to award Jeff the pot and now is back […]
Blinds – 600/1200/1200 As we return to action, Nancy is starting her climb early. Heading into the new level, she has about 115,000
Players are on their first 15 minute of the day. When we return, blinds will be 600/1200/1200
Blinds – 400/800 Doing a double take a Brian Lundy’s stack at 115,000. Brian said that he was down to 2500 and then made a comeback of the year knocking out four people in about 40 minutes. Best of Luck Brian!