2:27 pm
Blinds 10,000/20,000/20,000 BB Ante Ronnie Smith was just involved in the biggest pot of the day. Smith got his stack all in pre-flop holding A♣Q♥ against the 10♣10♥ of his opponent. There was an ace on the river and the massive pot was shipped Smith’s way. Smith is now sitting behind a mountain of about […]
2:04 pm
Blinds 6,000/12,000/12,000 Gary Lifton and his opponent were heads up on the 6526 board and there was already over 100,000 in the main pot. Lifton checked and his opponent slid out a bet of 70,000. Lifton check-raised all in for 129,000 and his opponent quickly fired his hand into the muck. “I’ll take it” said […]
1:47 pm
Blinds 4,000/8,000/8,000 BB Ante The action folded to the player in the cutoff who limped in. The button and small blind got out of the way and Gualberto Arruda moved all in for 43,000 from the big blind. The player called putting Arruda at risk and the hands were shown. Gualberto Arruda: A♦J♣ Opponent: A♠9♥ […]
1:31 pm
Blinds 4,000/8,000/8,000 BB Ante In one of the first hands back from break Justin Franco got his stack all in pre-flop holding A♣K♠ against A♦Q♦ and 10♥9♥. The board ran out clean for Franco and the king on the river was enough to earn him more than the double up. Justin Franco- 125,000
12:40 pm
Blinds 2,000/4,000/4,000 The players are falling fast and with the field thinning down the big stacks are starting to emerge. Hervin Barrientos is picking up steam as we approach the break. Barrientos just dragged in another sizeable pot and he is now near the top of the chip counts with 140,000.
12:13 pm
Blinds 1,000/2,000/2,000 BB Ante Thomas Drozewski has quietly been chipping up here in the early levels. Drozewski just scored a knockout after winning a classic coin flip holding ace king against the pocket queens of his opponent. He is now playing about 130,000 and is one of the first players to cross the century chip […]
11:49 am
Blinds 800/1,600/1,600 BB Ante A player in early position moved all in for 10,300 and William Sparks called. Richard Stepanian was next to act and he re-shoved all in for his last 28,900. The action folded back to Sparks who called putting both players at risk and the hands were shown. William Sparks: A♠J♠ Richard […]
11:27 am
Blinds 600/1,200/1,200 We caught up to the action on the 10♥9♣8♦ flop. It checked to the player in late position who tossed out a bet and Rich Stepanian check-raised all in for 17,600. The action folded back to the player who put his last 10,000 in the pot and the hands were shown. Rich Stepanian: […]
11:11 am
Blinds 400/800/800 BB Ante Kourtney Sims and Johnny Kelly are among the latest wave of players to take their seats. Both players are fresh off of the Bar Poker Open NLH Championship final table in Las Vegas Nevada. Kelly finished 3rd taking home $16,615 and Sims was the BPO Championship NLH runner-up taking home $25,385 […]
10:51 am
Blinds 300/600/600 BB Ante Richard Rollka was just involved in a massive pot on table six. A pre-flop raising war broke out and the end result was a player moving all in and Rollka snap calling. His opponent turned over K♣K♥ but Rollka did one better tabling A♠A♦. The board ran out clean for Rollka […]