Blinds – 100,000/200,000 In what has to be the BIGGEST comeback of a Final Table, Rob Stiegman who had less than a big blind coming to this Final Table, knocked out 6 guys. He lost a good portion of his chips to Rusty when Rusty had sevens and Rob had sixes. That hurt Rob. Rob […]
Playing 3 handed, Rusty and Patrick are swapping stacks. Rob still has 2.4 Million
Rob can do NO WRONG. He flops the nut straight and knocks out his 4th player of this Final Table
In what was the biggest pot so far at this Final Table, Jay goes all-in with Ace/Ten and gets Rob to call with Ace/Nine. Rob now has 80% of the chips. Rob was down to 53,000 and now has over 2 million!
Blinds – 60,000/120,000 Price of poker just got expensive!
Blinds – 40000/80000 Mr. Kelly was low on chips and had to find a double up knowing he was up against an ace of some kind.
Blinds – 40000/80000 With his last 90,000, Tom moves all in and gets called by Rusty and Ryan.